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Light It Up Blue

藍燈夜由Autism Speaks在2010年發起,活動在2017年得到了在七大洲的170個國家支持。各地均有地標在4月2日亮起藍色燈,與其他國家、城市的著名建築物一起以藍色燈光,表達支持自閉症人士及其家庭。
The Light It Up Blue (LIUB) initiative was created by Autism Speaks in 2010. In 2017, 170 countries from all seven continents participated. Signature landmarks and buildings will be lighted up in blue on 2nd April. Together with other well-known buildings in different countries and cities, such initiative shows support to people with autism and their families all over the globe.
圖片來源:互聯網 Sources of photos: internet
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