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Documentary Screening cum Public Talk 電影播放及講座





































“Life, Animated”

Have you ever met people with autism but you were unable to know their thoughts and they act as if they do not know how to communicate with the outside world?


In respond to World Autism Awareness Day on 2 April, Autism Partnership Foundation organises Autism Awareness Actions (AAAs) this year. One of the activities is documentary screening cum talk. The selected movie, “Life, Animated” has won the Sundance Film Festival Award for Best Direction and was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature category at the 89th Academy Awards. The movie introduces the growth and development of a teenager with autism. It tells how he lived in his own world at first and how to find a unique way to express himself, then he was able to integrate into the community.


We are also going to hold a talk after the documentary screening. An experienced therapist will explain skills and technique of Applied Behavior Analysis in an easily understandable manner and how to communicate with people with autism through case sharing, enhancing the public awareness of autism.

Date:                            6 April 2019 (Sat)
Time:                           10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Venue:                         Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

Ticket Price:                 HKD50 (APF's beneficiaries: maximum of 2 free tickets per each family)

Enquiry:                       Tel - 3538 0447 / Email -

Remarks:                     Children under 6 years of age will not be admitted.

 * The talk will be conducted in Cantonese.











查詢:電話   3583 0447 / 電郵

備註:按場地規定, 6歲以下人士恕不招待

* 講座將以粵語進行


Thank You, the event is successfully held.  此活動已完滿舉行,多謝支持。

Life, Animated 動畫醫神
06 Apr 2019, 10:30 am

關於愛培自閉症基金 (APF)

About Autism Partnership Foundation (APF)


​APF is a registered charitable organisation in Hong Kong. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. We provide ​complimentary* intensive Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy to children with ASD from low-income families and organise ABA skills training and workshops for parents, aiming to improve the behavioural problems of their children as earliest as possible.  APF also generates public awareness and knowledge about ASD through various public education and publicity campaigns in order to help individuals with ASD enjoy respect and rights in society.

* 需要通過入息審查 A means test is applied


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