愛培自閉症基金(APF)響應聯合國將4月2日定立為「世界關注自閉症日」,每年都會在3月下旬至4月下旬舉辦我們的年度公眾教育活動 ──「關注自閉症大行動」,藉此呼籲大眾認識自閉症譜系障礙(簡稱自閉症)和接納自閉症人士,並且推出限量版口罩作慈善義賣,籌募善款幫助基層自閉症兒童接受「應用行為分析」(ABA)治療。
“Autism is...Something you have to know”
In support of 2nd April, “World Autism Awareness Day”, a special day designated by the United Nations General Assembly, Autism Partnership Foundation (APF) organises our annual public education campaign - “Autism Awareness Actions” from late March to late April every year to generate public awareness and acceptance of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We also launch limited edition masks for charity sale to raise funds for helping underprivileged children with ASD access Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) treatment.
The theme of "Autism Awareness Actions" this year is “Autism is...Something you have to know”. Although there has been quite a lot of discussion on ASD in recent years, the general public know very little about ASD. This is the reason why we still have many misunderstandings and discrimination in society. APF believes that acceptance starts with understanding. Through this campaign, we aim to enhance public awareness of ASD, so as to break down barriers and help people with ASD integrate into society.